CAMA Bylaws
Article I – The Name
Central Arizona Museum Association is the name that has been selected for this organization.
Article II – Mission statement
Central Arizona Museum Association (CAMA) is a regional organization dedicated to fostering collaboration among museum professionals, encouraging professional development, improving professional practices, and promoting the value of member museums to the greater community.
Article III – Purpose
The purposes of CAMA are as follows:
To promote educational opportunities for the citizens of Arizona through cooperative exhibitions and other programs.
To encourage the professional development of members of the Association by sponsoring special educational programs.
To foster communication and cooperation between museums, museum workers, and related organizations throughout Central Arizona in order to improve professional practices, maintain standards of excellence, and stimulate special projects within the museum community.
To encourage an awareness and appreciation in the general public of the various museums, galleries, exhibits, and historical walking tours and their activities in Central Arizona.
To advocate and publicize these objectives in the State of Arizona.
Article IV – Membership
The Board of Directors will designate the membership categories. There will be three categories of membership:
Institutional Members: Institutional means any museum so named or business which displays exhibits.
Individual Members: Individual means any one person interested in, working in, or volunteering in museums and / or museum functions.
Associate Members: Associate means any person or groups of persons interested in museums and / or museum functions, and who do not have voting rights in CAMA. Associate membership and definition are up to the discretion of the Executive Board.
Central Arizona Museum Association boundaries may include all qualifying institutional members within the following counties: Gila, Maricopa, Pinal, and Yavapai. No institution outside of these counties will be eligible for membership within the Central Arizona Museum Association.
Article V – Dues
Membership dues will be set by the Board of Directors and voted upon by the members.
Dues cover the membership year, which runs from September 1 through August 31 of the following year.
Dues must be paid prior to the election of officers in this organization or the right to vote is forfeit.
Dues shall be collected in a manner prescribed by the Board of Directors.
Article VI – Voting
Each paid membership is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members at a meeting of the members.
Each Director will be a voting member on Board business.
Article VII – Nominations
A Nominating Committee will consist of the Immediate Past President as Chair, and two other members of the Association, chosen by the Committee Chair.
The Nominating Committee shall submit no later than one monthly meeting prior to the election of officers, a proposed slate of nominees for office for the ensuing year.
Article VIII – Officers
Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Membership Development Director, a Program Director, a CAMA/MAA Representative, a Development Director, a Marketing Director, and a Member-at-Large.
Each of the aforementioned officers may do and perform all duties and acts incident to the office. As a result of the conduct of Association business, the Board of directors may prescribe additional duties for the officers.
The President, Secretary, Membership Development Director, and Program Development Director will be voted in for the same two-year term and in alternating years Vice President, Treasurer, CAMA/MAARepresentative, Development Director, and Marketing Director will be voted in for the same two year term to provide continuity in Board turnover.
All officers shall serve a two-year term from the date of the election or until replaced, with the exception of the Member-at-Large position, which shall be a one year term. Election of officers shall be held in May of each year, as designated by the Association, and officers shall assume their respective offices by the following meeting. Any officer vacancy other than that of President shall be filled by a majority vote of a quorum of the Board of directors to serve out the remainder of the term.
Each Officer and Director shall perform their duties according to the appropriate Position Description.
Article IX – Board of Directors
There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of ten (10) persons nominated from and voted on by the membership.
The Executive Board will consist of the President, the Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Article X – Meeting and rules
The order of business at meeting of the Board of Directors, or at meetings of the Association’s membership, in general shall be arranged by the President and shall in general follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
A quorum for any group conduction Association business (Board of Directors, general membership, etc.) shall be a majority of the particular group.
No member of this Association shall be represented or vote by proxy.
Article XI – Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Association at any meeting having a quorum.
These bylaws shall not be amended as to conflict with the Articles of Incorporation of this Association.
Board Approved: May 6, 2008
Membership Approved: May 21, 2008